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Book Coaching Services

Book coaching differs from editing in one big way: Coaching is an ongoing relationship between the editor and the author. 


Usually in an editor-writer relationship, my role is limited in scope. I am engaged for a specific set of services, to be completed in a specific amount of time, and then the book returns to the author and they either implement my feedback or they don't. 


In book coaching, I work with you in an ongoing basis, in whatever way you need at that stage in your process. Some people engage a book coach at the very beginning, getting professional input and encouragement when the book is nothing more than an idea and some enthusiasm. Other authors don't seek out this kind of support until they are deep into their career and need someone to craft ideas more quickly and cohesively in order to keep up with their deadlines and readership demands. ​



10,000 words monthly beta read

Weekly email check-ins


3-month minimum commitment



7,500 words monthly beta read

Bi-weekly email check-ins


3-month minimum commitment




5,000 words monthly beta read

Bi-weekly email check-ins


3-month minimum commitment




Single Coaching Session

2,500 words monthly beta read

Monthly email check-in


3-month minimum commitment

20,000 word beta read

1-hour video call

No additional check-ins

No monthly commitment


Single Add-On Session

Only available as an add-on to other editing or coaching services

Booked hourly

All coaching prices are in accordance with Editorial Freelancers Association guidelines.

Can't afford editing or coaching services? Totally understandable. My Patreon and TikTok are full of free advice plus courses and guides to help you self-edit for much less out-of-pocket cost. 

My Style and Genres

My goal is always to help your manuscript shine, to become the best version of itself. I never want to change your story into something it's not, into something that feels like mine instead of yours. Your voice matters. Your story matters. I want to help you bring it to life in a way that you're proud of and that connects with your readers. 


I work in Word with Track Changes and heavily utilize the Comment feature. Rather than telling you what to fix, I often choose to ask questions that will drive you to make the necessary fixes in the way you see fit. In addition to inline edits and comments, Developmental Edits come with an edit letter that addresses overall story and character arcs, pacing, and genre expectations. 


I edit both fiction and nonfiction for adults and children. Primarily, I read for an adult or young adult audience, and will often be a better fit for women's voices. I do read middle grade, chapter books, and picture books, but don't spend as much time editing those age categories. 


In fiction, my favorite genres are: 

- Fantasy, all subgenres

- Soft science fiction (sorry, I can't fact check your physics or chemistry or anything of the sort)

- Romance of all heat levels (but not ultra dark romances; I won't be the best fit for noncon or hard BDSM)

- Historical with a particular focus on 1700 - 1950 in Europe and the European diaspora in North America

- Contemporary literary and women's fiction

- Thrillers and Romantic Suspense, but mostly if you're looking for plot holes and plausibility


In nonfiction, my favorites are: 

- Social justice and social history

- Memoir, but be warned that I will mercilessly address the marketability of your story

- History, particularly if it's about women, music, the revolutionary period, or subversive stories

- Parenting, education, homeschool, and child development


If you think I'd be a good fit for your work, send me an email. I'd love to fall in love with your story and help it shine! 

Gina Denny is a writer, editor, publishing professional, podcaster, speaker, and erstwhile music teacher. In addition to her writing advice reaching more than a million viewers every month, she has been on numerous writing conference faculties, including Storymakers and American Night Writers Association since 2019 and was thrilled to be a member of the Storymakers Conference Committee from 2020 - 2022, especially as part of their inaugural DEIB team. After editing manuscripts for friends, critique partners, and self-publishers, she became an associate editor for an independent press and then launched her own freelance business. She has done write-for-hire work and has supported authors along their journey to self-publishing, indie press publishing, and traditional publishing. She is the royalties and operations manager for Ayesha Pande Literary and its subsidiary, Pande Lecture Management. 

​​Contact:  gdennyedits at gmail dot com

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